SpeakOut! WordPress petition demo

I appreciate this plugin. It just might change history


For a standard petition, simply insert the shortcode with the appropriate petition ID –  [emailpetition id="1"] produces this:

Additional petition

Thanks for checking

This is a 2nd petition on the site that you have found by using a specially crafted URL. You can use this technique on your site to link to specific petitions

%%your signature%%

32 signatures

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All the data shown on this page is live from this demo petition.

Want to promote your petition on another page?  You can use shortcodes. For example Please sign our petition, our target is [signaturegoal id="1"], we have [signaturecount id="1"] so far. becomes

Please sign our petition, our target is 200, we have 445 so far.

The petitions on this site have a total of 501 ( [signaturestotal] ) signatures – this is a Pro Version feature.

You can display a list of signatures – names may repeat, but the email addresses are unique [signaturelist id="1"]  There are options to display as a table (below) or as a list e.g. Robert A., Judy B.,  and the full surname can be displayed if preferred.

The number of signatures displayed per page is customisable.

Latest Signatures
Ms. d b.
Ms. Juan S.
Mr. John D.
Ms. test t.
Ms. erer e.

You can include multiple petitions on a page  – though be careful it might become confusing – notice that this one is set to not collect address data.  And using custom CSS you can make it as ugly as you like :o)

Additional petition

Thanks for checking

This is a 2nd petition on the site that you have found by using a specially crafted URL. You can use this technique on your site to link to specific petitions

%%your signature%%

32 signatures

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Perhaps you just want to display the petition title e.g. Sign our petition: [petitiontitle id="1"] becomes

Sign our petition: Additional petition 

To display the petition message independently of the petition on your page, use  [petitionmessage id="1"]

You can also have a list of petitions that go to a single page but load a different petition on that page – try re-loading this page but with a different petition: https://speakoutpetitions.com/speakout-demo/?petition=8.  You can jump back to the original petition via this link https://speakoutpetitions.com/speakout-demo/?petition=1

The width can be changed in the shortcode [emailpetition id="1" width="100%"] and a petition can be centred like this [emailpetition id="1" class="aligncenter"] – see all the options on the advanced settings page

Additional petition

Thanks for checking

This is a 2nd petition on the site that you have found by using a specially crafted URL. You can use this technique on your site to link to specific petitions

%%your signature%%

32 signatures

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For more information on signature styling, see the FAQ