More language translations

The translations were a bit of a mess.  Some files were named wrongly so didn’t work.  Some phrases were missing.  And, to be honest, I had no idea how translations and WPML (Word Press Multi Lingual) worked.

But I soon discovered that it is difficult to update translations or add new ones…especially if you don’t speak that language.

So I purchased poedit and I have to say that while not quite a breeze, translations are now manageable.  The biggest hassle is when I add or change a string, I have to update, check, compile and upload each individual language file.  So I won’t be doing that too often.

So far there are:

  • Dutch nl_NL (Kris Zanders)
  • Finnish fi_FI
  • French fr_FR
  • German de_DE (Hannes Heller, Armin Vasilico, Andreas Kumlehn)
  • Hebrew he_IL (Oren L)
  • Italian it_IT (MacItaly)
  • Norwegian nb_NO
  • Polish pl_PL (Damian Dzieduch)
  • Romanian ro_RO (Web Hosting Geeks)
  • Russian ru_RU (Teplitsa)
  • Slovenian sl_SI (MA-SEO)
  • Spanish es_ES
  • Swedish sv_SE (Susanne Nyman Furugård @sunyfu)

If your language is missing and you are willing to check over what I provide for glaring or humourous mistakes, use the contact form.

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