Advanced settings

Here are some extra bits and pieces that might be useful to tweak your install of SpeakOut! Email Petition

Shortcode Attributes

The following attributes may be applied when using the [emailpetition] shortcode


The ID number of your petition (required). To display a basic petition, use this format:
[emailpetition id="1"]


This sets the width of the wrapper <div> that surrounds the petition form. Format as you would a width rule for any standard CSS selector. Values can be denominated in px, pt, em, % etc. The units marker (px, %) must be included.

To set the petition from to display at 100% of it’s container, use:
[emailpetition id="1"width="100%"]
A petition set to display at 500 pixels wide can be achieved using:
[emailpetition id="1"width="500px"]


This sets the height of the petition message box (rather than the height of the entire form). Format as you would a height rule for any standard CSS selector. Values can be denominated in px, pt, em, % etc. The units marker (px, %) must be included.

A few notes on using percentages:
Using a % value only works when the “Allow custom messages” feature is turned off—because the petition message will be displayed in a <div>. When “Allow custom messages” is turned on, the petition message is displayed in a <textarea>, which cannot be styled with % heights. Use px to set the height on petitions that allow message customization.

To set the message box to scale to 100% of the height of the message it contains, use any % value (setting this to 100%, 0%, 200% or any other % value has the same result). Use px if you want the box to scale to a specific height.

[emailpetition id="1"height="500px"]
[emailpetition id="1" height="100%"]


Sets the width of the outer progress bar. The filled area of the progress bar will automatically scale proportionally with the width of the outer prgress bar. Provide a numeric value in pixels only. Do not include the px unit marker.

To display the progress bar at 300 pixels wide, use:
[emailpetition id="1" progresswidth="300"]


Adds an arbitrary class name to the wrapper <div> that surrounds the petition form. Typically used to assign the alignright, alignleft or aligncenter classes to the petition in order to float the petition form to one side of its container. To assign multiple classes, separate the class names with spaces.

[emailpetition id="1" class="alignright"]
[emailpetition id="1" class="style1 style2"]



The ID number of your petition (required). To display a basic signature list, use this format:
[signaturelist id="1"]


Display the number (as text) of signatures collected for a given petition:

[signaturecount id="1"]

Want to promote your petition on another page?  You can use shortcodes. For example Please sign our petition, our target is [signaturegoal id="1"], we have [signaturecount id="1"] so far. becomes

Please sign our petition, our target is 200, we have 445 so far.

this is live data from the petition on this site.


It is possible to use the petition title anywhere on your site by using the shortcode [petitiontitle id="1"] e.g. We have a new petition: [petitiontitle id="1"]

We have a new petition: We love SpeakOut! WordPress petition plugin! 


You can display the petition message anywhere on your site by using the shortcode [petitionmessage id="1"]. Note that markdown doesn’t work. e.g. Here is our petition: [petitionmessage id="1"] – please sign it here

Here is our petition (blockquote added for effect):

This is the message that is sent to someone e.g. the mayor. It could be anything you like and there is an option to either lock it or allow senders to edit.

The message is set up in SpeakOut! > petitions > edit in your WordPress dashboard.

SpeakOut! features include:

  • a limited feature free version or a full featured Pro version
  • support for HTML editor so that the message can be formatted as an unordered list (like this), with italics or bold text, colours or a heading, like above
  • optional Markdown editor
  • many phrases are customisable by admin - optional confirmation of signatures
  • several web hooks for your custom code
  • optional privacy to only display first letter of surname
  • optional more privacy allows signers to choose to remain publicly anonymous
  • optional BCC message to signer - optionally display and include address fields in the message
  • nine additional optional custom fields including one drop-down and 4 checkboxes
  • optional newsletter sign up including to 3rd party e.g. MailChimp
  • set a goal for signatures and display a progress bar
  • set an expiration date
  • duplicate a petition with one click
  • redirect to URL after successful signing
  • shortcode to display a list of signatures
  • shortcode to display signature count
  • shortcode to display signature goal
  • shortcode to display petition message
  • multiple languages
  • more...
  • plus great support through the plugin site on

– please sign it here