Markdown guide

NOTE: Since version 105.2.0 there is an optional HTML editor available for editing the petition message. Choose your editor in the settings page.

If you are using Markdown already, SpeakOut! will continue to use this editor until you choose to change it, you will then have to re-format your message in HTML.

Markdown is a simple way to format the petition message so that it looks great on any device. You can’t change the font size, colour, or type. But markdown is great for formatting the essentials, using keyboard symbols you already know.

MarkdownRendered Output
Heading 1# Heading 1

Heading 1

Heading 2## Heading 2

Heading 2

Heading 3### Heading 3

Heading 3

BoldThis is some **bold text**This is some bold text
ItalicThis is some *italic text*This is some italic text
Appearance depends on CSS
> SpeakOut!
> A wordpress plugin

> For creating petitions
A wordpress plugin

For creating petitions
List* Mayor
* President
* Boss
* Friend
* Partner
* Someone
  • Mayor
  • President
  • Boss
  • Friend
  • Partner
  • Someone
Ordered list1. Title
1. Intoduction
1. Main section
1. Sub-section
1. Conclusion
  1. Title
  2. Intoduction
  3. Main section
  4. Sub-section
  5. Conclusion
Inline codeThis is `<?php` codeThis is <?php code
Code blockHere’s some PHP code:

function test() {
return “testing”;

Here’s some PHP code:

function test() {
    return "testing";
Horizontal RuleOne rule:
Another rule:
One rule:
Another rule:

This is a brief guide, for more comprehensive information